Bone Grafting in Gramercy

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a specialized procedure designed to restore bone density and prepare the jaw for further dental treatments, such as implants. At Flatiron Dental, we utilize advanced techniques to transplant bone tissue, encouraging natural bone growth. This procedure is ideal for patients who have experienced bone loss due to periodontal disease, injury, or tooth loss, providing a strong foundation for future restorative solutions.

Understanding Your Treatment

Benefits of Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is essential for restoring the jawbone’s structural integrity, which is crucial for implant placement. This procedure not only enhances the appearance and functionality of your jaw but also prevents further bone deterioration. By maintaining the bone structure, patients can enjoy improved facial aesthetics, better oral health, and a broader range of dental restoration options.

The Bone Grafting Treatment Process

The bone grafting process at Flatiron Dental begins with a thorough consultation to assess your specific needs. Using local anesthesia, we ensure a comfortable experience as we place high-quality graft material into the targeted areas. Over time, this material integrates with your natural bone, strengthening the jaw.

Our Tools & Technology

We are equipped with state-of-the-art tools and technology to ensure precise and effective bone grafting treatments. Our practice features advanced imaging systems for accurate diagnostics and treatment planning, alongside cutting-edge surgical instruments that enhance the safety and comfort of the procedure. Our commitment to technology ensures optimal outcomes and a seamless patient experience.

Check Out These Beautiful Results

A bright smile can totally transform your appearance. Take a look at a few of our past patients and see what teeth whitening can do for you!

Before & After

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Before & After

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Before & After

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Before & After

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Got Questions About Bone Grafting?


Find Answers Here.

What Is the Recovery Time for Bone Grafting?

Recovery times can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and the individual's health, but most patients can expect to return to normal activities within a few days. Complete integration of the graft material with your natural bone may take several months, during which we will monitor your progress closely.

Is Bone Grafting Painful?

While discomfort can vary, bone grafting procedures are performed under anesthesia to minimize pain. Post-operative pain is typically manageable with prescribed pain relievers and cold compresses, ensuring a comfortable recovery period. Dr. Jagirdar will walk you through all your recovery steps to ensure you fully heal.

How Long Does a Bone Graft Last?

A successful bone graft can last a lifetime. However, its longevity depends on proper oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and avoiding factors that may compromise bone health, such as smoking and certain medications.

Can Bone Grafting Help Prevent Tooth Loss?

Yes, bone grafting can help prevent future tooth loss by reinforcing the jawbone, providing a stable base for natural teeth and implants. This preventive measure is particularly beneficial for patients at high risk of bone loss due to periodontal disease.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Bone Grafting?

Eligible candidates for bone grafting typically include individuals who do not have enough jawbone density to support dental implants. This condition often results from bone loss due to gum disease, injury, or having missing teeth for an extended period. Ideal candidates are generally in good overall health and do not smoke, as smoking can significantly slow down the healing process. Dr. Jagirdar will assess your oral health and medical history during your consultation at Flatiron Dental to determine if bone grafting is suitable for you.

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